Here are the specs:
The pattern: Coupling from Knitty
The yarn: Creatively Dyed Yarn (purchased by my mom for me at the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Festival)
The needles: Size 2
The modifications: The pattern is for toe-up but I didn't feel like doing that so I knit them from the top down instead. Actually, I am calling these my upside down coupling socks.
The results: Great! I really love the lacy socks so these were just perfect. I think my mom will like them.
Then I have this sock:
Then, yesterday, after finishing the Coupling socks, I decided that I wanted to start another sock: This one is (obviously) a fine toe up sock that I am knitting for a friend, I think. I think he will like them. He is the kind of guy that could proudly wear socks like this. We will see. The yarn is Steinbach Wolle Strapaz Cotton Effekt (that's what Ravelry tells me anyway). My brother got me this yarn for my birthday and can I just say, he did an awesome job at picking it out. I mean, this stuff is great. I may try to acquire some more soon.
I did also start the Morning Glory Wrap from Knitspot, but I haven't gotten very far. Hopefully this weekend I will have some time to knit on it and then I can get a good WIP picture. This weekend should be full of lots of knitty goodness, including a trip to Plainfield on Sunday to Strands of Heaven!
Finally, I will leave you with a yarn picture: It's some sock yarn name Girl Scout Cookies! Yum! You can see more pictures here.
Happy Knitting!