Well, I have finally got around to blogging again. It seems like every time I make a vow to blog more, things get busy and I blog less. Hmm, maybe I should vow to blog less. Would I blog more? Probably not. Oh well.
My sock mojo has started to come back. And, just in time too. I am going Ruth's Mystery Sock KAL, and so far, I am in love with my sock:

Jealous of my sock, aren't you? :) Well, you can visit Ruth's Blog and get the first couple of clues. Ruth blogs at
http://theyarnarian.blogspot.com. I am knitting my sock with some yarn I got from Creatively Dyed yarn while at Stitches. I like that this is my dive back into socks. One clue every Monday makes for a manageable amount of sock knitting.
I have been working on some other things too. My brother, Matt, has requested a Mega Man Helmet (
like this one) for Christmas, so I have started on that:

He is going to be so happy when he gets it. He has been wanting video game themed knitted gifts for a long time now.
Finally, since I have today off (hooray for the county job that gives you election day off), I have finally blocked my Juliet:

This thing cannot dry fast enough. I want to wear it so bad. Hopefully by this weekend the buttons will be sewn on and I can wear it to knitting on Sunday.
Other than that, things are good. I can't complain about anything. Life has been very good to me lately. I haven't been dyeing a lot of yarn these days, but that's ok. I have a couple custom orders to finish up in the next couple weeks, and I probably will dye a bit for my shop for holiday time, but it's been slow going. I think it will pick back up a bit once the economy in general picks back up. I don't think many people are spending extra money on things like yarn. One of these days. :)
Have a happy election day everyone! And, please get out and vote! Happy knitting.