Well, I was in that knitting slump for a couple of weeks. Really, I just wanted to sit on the couch, stare at bad MTV for hours upon hours on end and have someone bring me food and drink. But, the weather is slowly improving, and it was light out until seven or something tonight, so all is right in the world again. The slump magically ended this weekend! Now I have so much knitting I want to do! I am even considering casting on for second pair of socks, even though the Lucy
Jaywalkers are not yet done, but in home stretch (I am on the foot, and once I get to the foot, I consider that almost done. I don't know why, seeing that I have a gigantic man-foot, so that part always takes a long time, but I digress).
Anywho, here is what is going on in the land of Jen's knitting. . . .
my sister and I made an attempt to dye some yarn. Initially, I thought it turned out horribly. But, now that I have some dry, nicely wound yarn and all the Kool-Aid stains are off the counter, I want to do it again. I love it! We started with a bunch of Kool-Aid. . . .

Then, we got some yarn and some syringes and latex gloves and stuff, along with the directions for dyeing yarn in
Socks, Socks, Socks. . . .

And off we went. My sister dyed the worsted weight (below, on the left) and I dyed some fingering weight (below, on the right).

As you can clearly see, I had a slight problem with the Kool-Aid getting down into all of the yarn. At first I was sad, defeated even, but then, when I wound it up, I realized it was awesome. There is a lot of white left, sure, but it has all those other colors mixed in there pretty well. I don't have a ton of white with no color to break it up. I think it might actually knit up into a fantastic pair of socks!

Well, this weekend brought a trip to Green Bay for
Ryan's birthday. It was a very good time. Today Alex was super nice and drove home, which gave me lots of time to work on my Jaywalker.

Hmm, that picture didn't turn out that well, but you get the idea. I am looking forward to these socks being done because I so want to wear them!
Finally, we got home much earlier than I thought we would today and realized that I had time to make it to I'd Rather Be Knitting for the semi-annual sale before they closed. I knew I shouldn't go and buy a bunch of yarn for myself, but I did get my SP10 match, so I thought why not get yarn at a discount. Only means more yarn for him/her later. However, when in a yarn shop I am weak. The yarn, it calls my name. So, I made a deal with myself that when I went in I could buy some yarn to make one pair of socks for me. It was a tough decision but I came home with this:
It's Mountain Colors in Wildflower. That is beautiful yarn! I was a beacon of power at the yarn shop. That has never happened before, I will tell you.
Other than all that I am just working on getting some ideas together for SP10 Swap and finishing up my Wee Tiny Sock for a Wee Tiny Sock Swap. Ridiculous. I already knit one tiny sock for myself and it is so cute and silly at the same time...I love it!
Ok, back to knitting!