So, last weekend I headed out to the Midwest Fiber & Folk Art Fair.
I had been to this fair a few years ago, but hadn't made it out there in the last couple years. This year it was at a new location, the Lake County Fairgrounds.

While I was waiting to meet a couple friends there, I took a look at the Rust Tex Quilts that were on display. I don't know much about quilting (ok, I know nothing about quilting) but I thought they were all just so pretty.

Then it was time to inhale some yarn-y fumes and check out the market:

I have to admit, I missed the outdoor market that they had when I attended in 2007. Yeah, it was super hot outside, but I think I would have enjoyed being outside more. It was still a super good time. I found myself being much more interested in the samples of items in people's booths than the actual yarn. I asked a bunch of people about the patterns for the samples.
One pattern that I just had to have was the
Norwegian Woods Shawl Pattern by Sivia Harding. There was a sample in the
Yarns by Design booth and it was just so very gorgeous. I loved the shawl so much I even bought a skein of yarn to knit it:

That's Fleece Arist Mini Maiden. It's Merino and Silk. So soft, so shiny. That is going to be one fancy shawl when I am done with it. While in that booth I also picked up another pattern. It's the
Tiered Shawl (You can see a pic
here). There was a sample in the booth and it was just so cool and different I just had to have the pattern. I will try to dig up some stash yarn for that one. :)
And of course, you know if The Fold is at an event, I am going to acquire something from them!

This is Blue Moon Fiber Arts Twisted. My very first Blue Moon yarn that is not Socks That Rock. This is in the Rooster Red colorway. I have no clue what it will become.
So, after having a little lunch, it was back home to enjoy my purchases. I have to say, if you live in the Lake/McHenry County area, this is one nice little fiber festival.
Go on any good yarny field trips lately?