Well, here I am again, trying to show a little love to my neglected knitting blog. Oh knitting blog, I love you so, but things have caused me to stray...like
Ravelry, and yarn dyeing and work and knitting and yarn dyeing and yarn dyeing and oh yeah yarn dyeing.

That's not even half of the yarn I dyed in the last two weeks. My apartment constantly smells like vinegar. As soon as I clean up various yarn fuzz and stray yarn (used for ties while dyeing yarn) there is more all over the kitchen floor. But, I guess it's not the worst way to spend your evenings. :)
In addition to all that yarn dyeing, there has been some knitting:

This is a baby hat for my friend Karen's new baby, Katie. I have not met Katie yet, but she needs a pink hat. I just know it. The yarn is some unknown yarn given to me by Tia at a recent knitting meetup. She was trying to unload some of her stash, so I snatched this up. It's two strands of yarn wound together. I love the way it came out.
Lately, I have not been much in much of a sock knitting mood
(gasp!) and I treated my self to some KnitPicks yarn last week so I have started this:
It's the Katharine Hepburn cardigan from Lace Style. I have been wanting to knit this for forever, and now was the time. I am love love loving it. I even took it work yesterday to knit a couple rows during lunch. It was nice to have something enjoyable to knit to break up the crazy.
Well, I guess that is all for now. This weekend should be full of knitting and yarn dyeing. That's how I like my weekends. :) OH! And Wheel of Fortune tapings!!! I am going to see a taping of the game show on Sunday, which I am super excited about. I know there is only a 0.02% chance I will get to meet Vanna White, but you better believe I am taking a ball of Vanna's Choice yarn to have signed just in case!
Happy knitting!