While I didn't manage to finish any projects this weekend, Mel came for a visit and I helped her bind off her first FO!! A garter stitch scarf!
So that was Friday (along with some other random craftiness, which we are not talking about now).
And then on Saturday, the Northwest Suburban Knitting Group gals headed out to The Fold for a little shopping:
My purchases:
The yarn diet has officially started people. In attempt to maximize my dollars to spend at Stitches Midwest in August, there will be no more yarn purchases until then. I do owe Jen some $$ for some KnitPicks yarn she ordered over the weekend for a KAL we are doing, but that's it. That really is only about two months without buying yarn. I think I can do it. I mean, I seriously have, like, 15 skeins of Socks That Rock in a basket in my bedroom, it's like a yarn store in there anyway!
Other than buying yarn, there has been a small amount of knitting. I am currently focusing on getting my Hedera-esque socks done, so then I can finish Mingus and start on the May Rockin' Sock Club Socks.
And, I should have plenty of knitting time on Friday, when the Yarn Harlot returns to Chicago. Will I tell her of my adventures of trying to stalk her in Toronto? I don't know. I don't think I want a restraining order against me. :)
Happy knitting!