That's right. Jenni and I fly to Portland to go to Sock Summit in just 19 days. Thus, much sock knitting is going on the Knitting Like Crazy apartment.
In between all the business that is my life (Alex and I close on our house Thursday!!), I have been knitting me some
Charade socks (Rav link):

The yarn is some delicious Lorna's Laces I scored when my knitting group went to Lorna's Laces for a tour in December. I had tried knitting a different pattern with it (Ravelry tells me it was the
Herringbone Rib socks) but those were not pooling in a nice way. The Charade pattern with this yarn? Um, awesome!
Other than that, I am working on a knitted garter for my dear friend, Mel, who gets married a week from tomorrow. The usual UFOs are sitting around the apartment.
Happy knitting and have a good weekend everyone!