Here are the details one more time:
Carefree KAL:
When? January 21-March 4
Who? Anyone who leaves a comment on this post or heads over to my Ravelry group and checks in there. If you haven't signed up for the KAL yet, please think about it. Yarny prizes (tempt, tempt).
What? You need the pattern, a skein of sock yarn (about 400 yards) and a size 4 needle.
Why? Because you can win yarny prizes! I have started working on getting those together and will hopefully be showing them off in the next week or two.
How? Once you are done with your Carefree shawl, just leave a comment on my blog with a link to your blog post or share the pic with the group on Ravelry. And, if you are on Twitter and you you tweet about your completed Carefree shawl, I will enter your name into the prize drawing twice! :)

When purchasing the pattern on Ravelry, use the coupon code "carefreekal" at checkout and get it for just $3. That's half off!
You can use whatever sock yarn you like, but if you want some Knitting Like Crazy yarn, you can enter the coupon code "CAREFREEKAL" at check out for 10% off anything.
And, finally, I am going to list here everyone I have for the KAL. If I missed you, just leave another comment and I will add you to my list.
Can't wait. It's going to be a great time! Happy Knitting! :)