Thanks so much to everyone for knitting along! I did finish one Carefree during the KAL:
The other one that I was working on I will be using to do the math to update the pattern to make the Carefree bigger, so I will be showing that one off later in the month.

Now, onto what you have all been waiting for....the prizes!
According to my research, there were five people that finished their shawls:
Nice work, ladies! You can see them all in the the Carefree Kal thread on Ravelry (except purliegurlie, she texted me a pic of hers, so I know it is done!) And, I am happy to say, you are ALL winners!!!!! (I pulled the names out of a hat to determine the order)
So, here is what you have won. KristyR, you have won this:

Crookedknits, you have won this (hopefully it won't be lost for weeks when I mail it to you!):

nanaknits, you have won this:

So, that takes care of the prizes that I had already revealed. What do coffeeyarn and purliegurlie win? Something delicious from my stash. It will be a surprise. But trust me, it will be good!

Crookedknits, you have won this (hopefully it won't be lost for weeks when I mail it to you!):

nanaknits, you have won this:

So, that takes care of the prizes that I had already revealed. What do coffeeyarn and purliegurlie win? Something delicious from my stash. It will be a surprise. But trust me, it will be good!
In addition to everyone winning yarn, I will also be sending you patterns. What patterns you ask? You all be winning a sock pattern from the IrishGirlieKnits!!! I will be sending those to you through Ravelry tomorrow!
Thanks everyone for playing along. We will have to do another KAL soon. :)
Happy knitting!