Today's post theme is Tidy Mind, Tidy Stitches. Today is all about talking about getting organized: "Blog about an aspect of that organization process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organized stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry."
I would say that I am pretty organized when it comes to my knitting. I am very good about keeping my Ravelry page updated. I really think that is because I had been blogging for awhile before Ravelry. I was used to photographing my projects. Now, my stash, that is something that has recently gotten quite unorganized. I seem to have yarn all over the house. I rarely photo it for Ravelry these days, which is something I plan on getting a handle on soon. Although, living in a house filled with yarn in random places really isn't a bad thing.
Finally, I thought I would show off how I keep all my WIPs organized:

Or even knitting chickens:
So, that's how I keep things organized. What about you? Stay tuned for tomorrow's post: Where are they now?