Anywho, what got my sock mojo back were these:

I also finished my friend Gina's baby delivery socks. I don't have a picture (they aren't even on Ravelry yet--very hot off the needles, you know how it goes). Those turned out great too!
After all that sock knitting, I decided to knit something other than a sock:

And speaking of website--
I have been doing a pretty major update to my website, I have added more information about my yarn and even a gallery of the colorways I am willing to reproduce. And, my sock pattern and now the iPod Cozy pattern are there. So far, I am pleased with the site. I updated it myself (with only a few technical questions for Alex). So, take a look--hope you like it!
That's about all for now. Hope everyone is having a good week. Happy Knitting!