Well, lots of people have opened their hearts and their needles to knit for Kimi's Kids, my group on Ravelry that are donating baby items to my friend Kimi's class she teaches for low income women at the clinic where she works.
Here is the latest haul of stuff I have received. I got all of this stuff from one woman in Kansas:

I can't believe she took all that time to knit! (Well, I can believe it, because she is awesome, but wow! That is a lot of stuff!). Last week I also received a couple baby sweaters and some hats from another Ravelry group member:

I was so in love with those sweaters that I demanded to know the yarn and pattern that she used. And, as I showed off yesterday, I knit one of my own. Here it is again:

So, now my pile of baby items to go to Kimi looks like this:

I can't believe how much stuff I have received so far. And there are many many more people generously knitting their fingers off to send more to me. Amazing!
Keep those baby items coming! If you would like to join in the baby knitting (or crocheting!) fun, you can either
join the group on Ravelry or just knit any baby item your little heart desires and then email me at jenATknittinglikecrazyDOTcom and I will give you my address so you can send it to me. I will then be giving them to Kimi to give to the women in the class that she teaches.
Happy knitting and thanks everyone!